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Eternal Hell: Eternal Book-2

  Eternal Hell

  Eternal Series

  Copyright © 2015 Candis Vargo

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of Candis Vargo.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Any questions or comments please contact Candis at

  Chapter 1

  The Farmer

  Ev turned to see Javier and her heartbeat quicken. As her chest throbbed from her beating heart she ran at him. She ran straight into his arms and pressed her lips on his without even thinking. When she finally realized what she was doing she leaned her head back away from his and looked at him, ashamed. But Javier’s arms were wrapped around her waist and weren’t going to let her go anywhere. He leaned back down to her and they began passionately kissing, savoring every ounce of each other they could. Neither one could resist their desires any longer which furthered their hold on humanity.

  The sound of a throat clearing snapped them back to reality. As they looked over to the porch they saw Jase walking toward them. “So, we need to talk,” Jase said.

  Ev and Javier turned toward him but Javier held onto Ev’s waist. “You’re walking better,” Ev said.

  “Yeah, surprisingly it’s healing up nicely. I’m far better than Ryan.”

  “Ryan? Is he what you want to talk about?” Javier asked.

  “Lance. I think everything is getting to him. He’s just…he’s spaced out. He’s going through these phases where he’s perfectly normal one minute and the next it’s like he’s in another dimension. I think reality is setting in and he’s letting it take over.”

  “We’ll have to keep an eye on him. Keep him close to Ambyre, maybe she can help him realize why he has to hold on,” Ev said.

  “Wouldn’t you think she’d be doing that already?” Jase replied.

  “I don’t know. Maybe. But it’s worth a shot.”

  Hastily, they walked back into the house and Jase went to Lance to encourage him to help Ambyre build with her blocks. Ryan had asked Ev if she found anything and when she told him that she did, they began searching for keys. When they were unsuccessful in finding anything on the first and second floor they decided to search in the basement.

  They didn’t find the keys, but what did find was something they never wanted to see.

  There were three of them. They were lying there on their backs, strapped to old wooden tables. The Reanimated. Whoever had lived here had somehow managed to find them and bring them here, only to dissect them. They were all men and two had their skulls crushed in, and one had its head separated from its body. They were cut straight down from their collar bone to their pelvis and hollowed out.

  Along the right side of the room were several shelves that held sealed, mason jars. Everything in the jars was as black as tar which meant it had come from the dead. As they explored further into the room they found the head that had been sliced off of the body. There was a hole drilled into the skull. That was the only marking. Whoever had done that was obviously trying to figure out something, they just wish they knew what.

  “Guys, you’re going to want to see this,” Jase said from another room in the basement. As Ryan, Ev, and Javier carefully walked into the other room, they were appalled by what they saw. There was a woman strapped to a chair as old as the wooden tables with a single bullet hole embedded in her forehead. It was obvious the woman was a Reanimated, but why treat her different than the others? It couldn’t be just because she was a woman.

  “I saw pictures of her upstairs. I found an old photo album, she was in there. I think she was the farmer’s wife,” Ryan said.

  On the floor next to her was a syringe that had residue of the same black liquid from the Reanimated.

  “She was injected with their blood,” Ev said.

  “And bitten. Look at her arm, she’s missing quite a bit of flesh,” Javier pointed out.

  “What in the fuck was this bastard doing?” Jase said as he examined the woman.

  “Either trying to cure them, or figuring out what turns them. Hell maybe he was just a sick old fuck with a morbid curiosity,” Javier told Jase.

  “I’ve seen enough. Nope, no keys in here.” Ryan turned to head back upstairs.

  “Let’s keep anyone else from coming down here. They don’t need to know about this,” Javier said. They all agreed and made sure to lock the door behind them as they left.

  “Let’s go back outside and look. I need some fresh air anyway,” Ev said.

  “Alright, let’s go out back.” Javier held Ev’s waist and led everyone outside on the back porch.

  “What’s that?” Jase asked. They all looked toward the horizon and saw a group of horses in the distance.

  “That would explain the empty stalls,” Ev said.

  “Well, if we don’t find the keys maybe we can ride their asses. Let’s see if we can get them tied up just in case,” Ryan suggested.

  Jase stayed at the house to stand guard because he knew Lance wasn’t in any shape to. Ev, Ryan, and Javier came upon the fence that held the horses in and stopped. Several yards away stood three brown horses all eating what they could only assume to be the farmer.

  “Well shit on that idea,” Ryan said.

  “Fuck me,” Javier said.

  “Yep, I bet the bastard has the keys on him,” Ev agreed.

  “Well how in the hell are we going to get them, if they’re even on him,” Ryan asked.

  “We need to use bait. We can’t risk shooting them so we need to lure them away,” Javier said.

  They noticed that the horses were closer to the left side of the fence. Someone was going to have to distract them, and someone else had to either take the body or search for the keys.

  Since Ryan has felt useless since he broke his leg he decided he would stay on the outside of the fence and be the one to distract them. Javier would go in and search for the keys as Ev stood by, ready to shoot if necessary.

  Ryan stood on the outside of the fence near the horses and began using his branch to bang on the fence to get their attention. The horses heard the loud noise and began grunting as they made their way over to him.

  Javier slid under the fence and began to use his training to slowly make his way to the farmer’s body. He moved with stealth, making sure he stayed out of eyesight of the horses.

  “That’s right, just try to eat me you fuckers. Come on.” Ryan said to help distract them from any noise Javier might make.

  The horses walked to the fence and their bloody muzzles opened exposing their sharpened teeth as they tried biting at Ryan. Their hooves banged against the fence as they tried to break it, leaving streaks of blood down the wood.

  Ryan notices a syringe stuck in the matted brown coat of one of the horses and anger filled him. “Sick fucker must have experimenting on them too!”

  Javier walked upon the body and from the little bit of gray in the hair that he could see through the blood, Javier assumed he was an old fucker. Javier began searching through the bloody chunks on the ground for what were the pockets to the plaid shirt and overalls the farmer was wearing. To no prevail, he knew he was going to have to roll over what was left of the bastard and look in the back pockets that were hopefully still attached to the farm
er’s ass.

  As Javier began slowly turning the torso on its side he heard the promising sound of metal, so did the horses. When he saw the silver of the keys he grabbed them and held them tightly in his fist as he began walking backwards, keeping the horses in his sight. Ryan began banging on the fence harder and calling at them as they looked torn between which one to try to attack. One of the horses decided to go after Javier and he began to run. As the horse ran after Javier, Ev cocked her pistol and aimed at the horse, but she never fired.

  The horse stopped dead in its tracks and turned around to run at Ryan baring his teeth. He realized he needed to be a better distraction and began squeezing his broken leg, causing blood to flow freely through the bandages. The smell of fresh blood was just what Javier needed to make his escape.

  Ryan ripped off his shirt and wrapped around his leg after he saw that Javier made it out. As he walked farther away from the fence the horses went back to the farmer and began finishing him off.

  The sound of tearing flesh and raspy wreathing was all you could hear.

  Chapter 2


  As night fell Ryan lit the fireplace in the living room. Ambyre stared into the gigantic fireplace and stared at the light from the fire as it danced across the large wooden mantle. Everyone longed for the comfort of a mattress and figured it would be best to sleep in the same room. They decided they should bring the mattresses downstairs and place them in the living room. Lance was staring at the floor in a daze similar to Ambyre’s so Javier asked Ev to help him carry the mattresses downstairs.

  Even though they were in a house it wasn’t worth risking having one of the Reanimated sneak up on you so Jase and Ev took first watch. As the others began to doze off Jase and Ev talked quietly among themselves.

  Jase leaned back on the edge of the mantle and rested his legs on a pillow. “So, how do you think it’s going to happen?”

  “What?” Ev asked.

  “The change. Do you think I’m going to slowly die and then come back like in the movies?”

  Ev shifted uneasily. “Jase, we’re not even sure you’re going to change.”

  “Face it Ev, that’s the main thing the legends have in common. Other than them both being dead. You get bit, you turn.”

  “Actually, it depends on what part of the myths you’re referring to. Zombies, yes. Vampires…not always. Sometimes you have to have their blood in your system and then die, and others you have to both have been bitten and drink their blood.” Ev said.

  “Yeah, but the main thing is being bitten.”

  Ev leaned forward and crossed her legs. “Listen to us. We’re in the middle of a world gone to shit and we’re still bickering like siblings do.”

  Jase laughed. “You thought the apocalypse could stop us?”

  “I haven’t really given much thought to anything lately.”

  “Bull shit. I saw you with Javier, or did you forget?”

  Ev blushed as she shook her head. “How could I?”

  “That seemed like a pretty intense kiss for it being your first one. You guys haven’t hooked up yet have you?”

  “God Jase,” Ev said. “Why would I even tell you if we did?”

  “So that’s a yes then.”

  “What? No. We haven’t hooked up. Can we not talk about this? Shit Jase, he’s right over there and with my luck he’s wide awake listening to us.”

  “He probably is,” Jase agreed.

  Their shared laughter was brought to an abrupt stop.

  “Oh my god,” Sheryl said. “Oh my god, Lance. Lance baby are you okay?”

  Within one second everyone was hovering over Lance. “He’s seizing,” Ev said. She turned Lance over on his side the moment he began to vomit. Sheryl was hysterical so Javier insisted on her going to comfort Ambyre.

  After what seemed like an hour the seizing finally stopped and Lance was passed out. Ev went to see if Lance had a fever. “Can you find a thermometer?” she asked Javier.

  “Does he feel warm?”

  “No,” Ev said, “quite the opposite.”

  As Javier took to finding a thermometer, Ev and the others moved Lance closer to the fireplace. Ev began placing several blankets on him to try and bring his temperature up. Javier came back with the thermometer and Ev took Lance’s temperature.

  “92.6,” Ev said.

  “What’s happening?” Sheryl asked.

  “Has he been feeling sick or anything recently? Has he said anything to you about not feeling well?” Javier asked.

  “No,” Sheryl said. “He hasn’t said much to me at all actually. He’s been spacey. Is he okay? I don’t understand.”

  Ev sighed as she placed the palm of her hand on her forehead. “I don’t know. He may have come into contact with something we don’t know about. We need to bring his body temp up though. He’s getting colder and colder. If he gets low enough he’ll go into shock.”

  Javier stood next to Ev and placed his hand on her back. “Let’s see if we can find any thermal blankets anywhere. If we find a first aid kit there might be one in there.”

  “Okay,” Ev said. “You guys keep putting logs on the fire and add blankets if you need to. Try to keep him warm.”

  Javier looked over at Jase and saw him stumbling as he tried to go into another room. “Hey, are you okay Jase?”

  Jase tried to stand up straight. “Yeah, I’m fine. Go see if you can find what you need. I’m…I’m just going to go in the other room. I need some fresh air. I’m feeling a little hot, that’s all.”

  Javier narrowed his eyes at Jase before he followed Ev into the kitchen to look for a first aid kit. “What’s with Jase?” Javier asked.

  “He’s never been good with situations like this. I guess that’s why I’m used to taking care of things like t his.”

  “He was awfully pale, Ev. we still need to keep an eye on him.”

  Ev closed some cabinet doors and softly said, “I know.”

  After searching several rooms and not finding what they needed, they returned to the living room to find Sheryl once again by Lance’s side.

  “Ryan, will you take Ambyre in the other room please?” Ev asked. The poor girl didn’t need to be stuck sitting alone watching her father suffer. Beth tried to comfort her but Ambyre needed to be removed from the room so she could calm down.

  Ryan made his way over to Ambyre and grabbed her DVD player. “Hey Ambyre, do you want to go in the kitchen and watch a movie with me?”

  “Alien. Alien. Ah, it’s an Alien,” Ambyre said.

  “Alright then, Planet 51 it is.”

  Ambyre followed Ryan out of the living room and Ev went over to check on Lance. After placing her wrist on Lance’s forehead, Ev sighed. “He’s getting worse.”

  Beth neared Lance on the opposite side of Sheryl. “What can we do?”

  “I don’t know,” Ev said. “I’m sorry, I just don’t know.”

  Lance’s face paled and his lips began to show a blue tint. His body was lightly shaking and he wasn’t showing any signs of waking up any time soon.

  Ev began to scan the room until she met eyes with Javier. “Jase still out there?” she asked.

  Javier nodded. Before Ev could ask Javier to check on her brother, Sheryl began saying, “No. No! No!” as her hands spread out over Lance’s body.

  “He’s not breathing,” Ev said in a whisper.

  “No!” Sheryl continued. “I just fucking got you back! No! You can’t do this to me. You can’t leave me. I need you damn it!”

  Javier ran over and Ev moved Sheryl out of his way. He began trying to resuscitate Lance. After every ten thrusts into Lance’s sternum, Javier tilted his head back and blew two steady breaths into his mouth.

  Ev held onto Sheryl as she was crying out for her husband and Beth stayed by Lance’s side. She must have been fond of her son-in-law to stay so close to him in a time like this. After several minutes of Javier preforming CPR on Lance, Sheryl fell down onto her knees and crumpled onto the
floor, hysterically screaming in tears. Weakly, she reached one hand up toward her husband, only for it to fail her and fall back on to the floor.

  Javier knew Lance was gone but the only thing that made him stop was when Ev placed her hand on his wrists as he was thrusting onto Lance’s chest, hoping to get his heart beating again. When Javier stopped he looked over at Sheryl before he walked out of the house.

  Beth stayed by Lance’s side as tears slowly fell down her face and she was preparing to cover his face with a blanket. Sheryl stopped her mother as she crawled her way over to Lance, longing to hold her husband. Her tears flowed onto Lance’s shirt as she laid her head on his chest. The only words Ev could make out from her were “no” and “why.”

  Ev turned to walk outside with Javier when she saw Jase standing a few feet in front of her, covered in sweat and pointing his 9mm pistol.

  “Jase? Jase what are you doing?” she quietly asked as she raised both of her hands in the air.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he said.

  “Jase, what are you talk-”

  Ev couldn’t tell which was more deafening. The screams from Sheryl when she realized she lost her husband, or the gut wrenching screams escaping from both Beth and Sheryl’s gut now. Ev spun on her heels to try to tell them to let her handle Jase, but that’s not why they were screaming.

  Lance had his hands firmly around Sheryl as his mouth was gnawing onto her neck. Sheryl was drenched in blood and Beth was using all of her force to try and pull Lance off of her daughter.

  Ev attempted to move but was stopped in her tracks when Jase fired his gun.

  Ev watched as the bullet went straight through Lance’s head, outside of Sheryl’s neck and into Beth’s skull soaking the wall behind them in crimson red blood.

  Jase dropped the pistol as he fell to his knees crying. “I’m sorry. I’m sooo fucking sorry.”

  Chapter 3

  He could feel it again. His body tried to force him in a different direction than where he was. He hasn’t felt it since the helicopters began removing the creations farther away from him.